When you prepare to embed a SharePoint Library in WordPress, then please ensure that you have already applied the following configurations to your site.

Before you continue and embed a SharePoint Library in WordPress, you must choose one of two supported scenarios:
- Delegated access Users that access the page where you have embedded a SharePoint Library, will need to sign in with Microsoft, prior to viewing the content.
- Application access Users that access the page where you have embedded a SharePoint Library, do not have an account in your enterprise Azure AD and they do not sign in with Microsoft, prior to viewing the content.
The two scenarios have different prerequisites and are therefore separately listed below.
Shared prerequisites
- You are a Global Administrator for your company’s Office 365 tenant / Azure AD directory (or have at least the ability to edit the Azure Active Directory App registration that was created previously when the single sign-on capability was configured).
- You are an Administrator for your WordPress website.
Prerequisites “Delegated Access”
- You have configured OpenID Connect based single sign-on (SSO).
Prerequisites “Application Access”
- You have configured application permissions to support application-only scenarios.
- You have installed a premium paid addon / bundle that unlocks support for “Application Access” e.g. WPO365 | M365 APPS or WPO365 | INTRANET.